What We Offer You

IGBC Green Building Certifications

“Creating a IGBC green building certifications is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable or high performance building.”

Type of green building certifications:

  • GBCI LEED Certification
  • IGBC Green Building Certifications
  • GRIHA Certification
  • WELL Certification

Green Building Certifications offered by Sika

1. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC Green Building Certifications) & LEED India

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC Green Building Certifications), part of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) was formed in the year 2001. It is applicable to residential buildings, factories, townships etc.

The first LEED India rating program was launched during Green Building Congress Conference in October 2006. It is applicable to hotels, hospitals, educational institutions, airports, government buildings, corporate offices etc.

IGBC Green Building Certifications Accredited Professional: Mrs. Rashmi Kolatkar

LEED Accredited Professional: Mr. Hrushikesh Kolatkar

2.Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA)

It is an initiative of TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) was adopted as the national rating system for green buildings by the Government of India in 2007. GRIHA footprint today is around 11 million sq m.

GRIHA Evaluator: Hrushikesh Kolatkar

IGBC green building certification which minimizes use of resources, generates lesser wastes and provides healthy living conditions to the residents. BEIPL has the required certified expertise to procure the necessary certification. BEIPL has expertise in Private and Public large real estate project such as Residential, Commercial and Institutional.